How about leaving your home? Forever

The title of the post is bit scary to read but what if it happens ?

On November 25th i got married to Sonia(My Wife). It was a arrange marriage. We know each other since January 2018. . Throughout 2018 we have been talking, understanding each other and luckily we became good friends. Guess what ?? She is also into computers 🙂 . Throughout her study, job she often faced difficult times and performed really well. She is very hard working girl.

So, on 25th Nov we got married and as per Indian traditions she left her home forever. The home she grown up into having full package of memories with parents, friends, brother, sisters etc. Another difficult time has came, because she hardly left her home in her lifetime. She is very happy at her new house but still miss her home, parents a lot. In two months she cried more than 5 times just remembering her old home and i am glad i was there every time she got emotional 🙂

She is a decent, caring girl and I try my best to make her visit the old home once or twice a month. Even, at this moment when i am writing this post, she is at her old home 🙂

Below is our pic of the wedding day <3

“Let’s try to take care of the sacrifices someone make for us”

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